Saturday, September 22, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (9-21-2012)



  1. Obama and Religious War

  2. Obama's Redistribution: What Did Frank Marshall Davis Say?

  3. Obama's Legacy on Black America

  4. Pledging to Obama 'For All'

  5. Recap: Obama's work

  6. The Redistributionist

  7. Obama: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing…….Beware the Message in the Fabian Window

  8. Dislike Obama? You’re Racist!

  9. Everybody a victim under Obama Redistribution

  10. Obama’s dangerous consistency

  11. Obama makes case for electing Romney: "You can't change Washington from the inside"

  12. Univision Grills Obama On Fast And Furious

  13. Who's Better Off Under Obama?

  14. Univision Debacle: Obama Misleads, Condescends To Latino Community

  15. Campaign: Obama Has No Plan To Talk About Libya

  16. Barack Obama Begs Forgiveness From Muslims – Followed By 17 Deaths In Pakistan And Counting…

  17. Shhh… Obama’s Approval Rating Tanks to Dangerous New Level

  18. Obama Describes Current Muslim Violence in Mideast as a “Natural” Protest to an Offensive Video …(What?)

  19. Once again, Obama blames Republicans for his failures

  20. Obama’s lackadaisical attitude to mounting federal debt

  21. It doesn’t get much creepier than this

  22. $70,000 To Advertise Obama’s Lies to Pakistani Muslims

  23. Univision Questions Expose Obama

  24. Regime Runs Apology Ad on Pakistani TV

  25. Obama Lies Again: It was the Video

  26. Flags Of Our Big Brothers

  27. Obama Seemingly Forgets He’s President: “We Want Change In Washington”…

  28. So King Putt is getting tired of golf jokes

  29. Obama pretends not to get it

  30. Obama And Hillary Apologize For Free Speech On Pakistani TV

  31. Obama: the competence of Carter with the integrity of Nixon

  32. Obama Regime appoints Islamic terrorist defense attorney to number three spot in Department of Justice

  33. SHOCK: Obama nominates mega donor's wife to UN

  34. Obama's dangerous consistency

  35. Shit Shoveler-In-Chief Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program Began Under Bush

  36. bo is a foreign policy disaster

  37. Obama’s New Flag

  38. Obama Admin. Responds to Islamic Upheaval by Toughening its Stance Against Israel

  39. Stop apologizing, Barack. This is what you need to say [Reader Post]

  40. Jobs Vs. Food Stamps Obama Economy Throw-Down

  41. Educating Obama

  42. Despite Obama and Hillary quasi-apology ad, riots continue in Pakistan

  43. Double Standard: Obama Regime Won't Denounce "Piss Christ" Display But Apologizes For Attacks On Islam

  44. Obama uses taxpayer $$ apologizing to terrorists

  45. In Obama’s America, some blacks are more equal than others

  46. “Obama slammed on Fast and Furious in Spanish-language TV interview: Shouldn’t you ‘fire’ Holder?”

  47. Liar In Chief (still a liar) Lies Again

  48. Barack Obama Says His Biggest Failure is Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Not JOBS or the US Economy

  49. Obama apologizes again!!

  50. Obama Knew About Benghazi Terror Attacks Three Hours After They Began… Went to Bed (Video)

  51. If Obama Loses

  52. ‘We’re Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and We Approve This Apology’

  53. A Question for Our President

  54. The Marxist Thug-In-Chief, Obama, May Think He’s The Only One With An “Enemies List”

  55. Americans Against America: The Obama Agenda


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