Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Article Read On September 21, 2012


  1. Matthew Tully: Candidates for governor fail to offer big ideas to help families

  2. Scott Brown rips Elizabeth Warren for checking the Native American box at Harvard...

  3. Clueless: Only 15% of Democrats think recent economic news is bad...

  4. Issa: Obama 'Enemies List' Nixonian

  5. The Last Operation

  6. This traitorous Administration:

  7. currently reading

  8. A Conservative Party press release on Australia's same sex marriage vote brings out the mischief

  9. AARP sells out seniors for ‘Obamacare’

  10. AARP Leftists Boo Paul Ryan For Pushing Repeal of Obamacare …(AARP to Make $1 Billion off Obamacare) 

  11. Top House Republican on Benghazi Terror Attack: The President Is “Purposely Misleading the American People” (Video)

  12. Senators Pin Insider Attacks in Afghanistan on Obama’s Ill-Advised Withdrawal Strategy

  13. NJ Imam: Disregard First Amendment And Replace With Sharia Law

  14. Pow-Wow… Scott Brown Hits Spitting Bull Warren on Her Phony Indian Heritage

  15. Today Is Five Million Day!

  16. Another Thought On That Univision Town Hall:

  17. David Horowitz: "One of the most disgraceful moments in the history of the American presidency"...

  18. Did Chick-fil-A cave to homosexual demands and change it's policy?.....

  19. Obama: SCoaMF lectures Jorge Ramos on how our government works...

  20. Abuse Of Power

  21. Daily Read – September 21

  22. STOB It France!

  23. The Prophet Loves Pakistanis So Much He's Killed 17 So Far

  24. Blasphemy for Fun and Prophet

  25. Muslim Cleric Found Guilty of Framing Christian Girl for "Blasphemy"

  26. Defeat Jihad ads to appear in New York subway

  27. Ein Obama!

  28. Happy birthday, Leonard

  29. Kim Clement: "In the Month of October, I will Arise...

  30. I am a conservative charismatic Christian. I follow...

  31. Once more: vote for those will set you free, will ...

  32. Just received word that Ronald Carpenter Sr just passed away...

  33. Jesse Jackson Jr will soon be retiring...if the the tea leaves say anything...

  34. THIS is the result of the Chicago Teachers Strike....

  35. THIS IS IMPORTANT. No false witness bearing if possible..

  36. Cherokee genealogist to Elizabeth Warren: “Your Native American issue has not been put to rest”

  37. Branco Cartoon – Chairs and Stripes

  38. How do we know Scott Brown won the debate last night?

  39. Best of the WORST

  40. A Light Given unto You

  41. Unconditionally True

  42. Libyan Consulate Protected by British Firm Not Among the 8 Approved State Dept Firms

  43. Weekend Caption Contest

  44. Oops, I Scratched It Again

  45. So… I Finally Saw It

  46. Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: $2 Million in Taxes, $4 Million to Charity

  47. Stargate Atlantis--"Sateda"

  48. Lecrae on Music and the Church

  49. Nations Praying for U.S. Elections

  50. One reason that Obama can still be reelected, the guy in the picture.

  51. To The Old Man…

  52. Wall Street Insider Message Confirmed By…Rahm Emanuel?

  53. Friday Fume

  54. Issa Calls Out Obama For Having “Enemies List”…

  55. A Cardinal and a Comedian Talk Faith

  56. Mockery is Rebellion

  57. Spanish Station Univision Calls Obama Out

  58. Poll of Americans: Better a Mormon than a Muslim in White House

  59. Got A Kindle?

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