Sunday, September 23, 2012

November 1, 2012; Why Pray/ Why Now? By Bob Preyss


November 1, 2012; Why Pray/ Why Now? by Bob Preyss, Canada Free Press

It is widely reported that America is coming apart. We are in more than a culture war. We are in a seismic event. We are two Americas, and one makes no sense to the other.

The inability to make sense has been coming for a long time. Artists have been deconstructing art throughout the twentieth century – from the Armory Show, the Expressionism and Surrealism. Artists are the antenna of the race, and the unacknowledged legislators of the world. People follow artists. In 1921 W.B. Yeats wrote a poem called “The Second Coming.” It is his vision of worldwide insanity and the inability to make sense.

“The falcon does not hear the falconer … the center does not hold … mere anarchy is loosed on the world.” He names the principality responsible for this anarchy, the lion with the head of a man, in the very last line: “And now what rough beast, his hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

Here is the first artistic view of the Anti-Christ in the twentieth century. In the sixties, after living through a time of a SCOTUS decision in 1948 to “erect a wall of separation of church and state” based on a godless interpretation of a Jeffersonian letter to a Baptist church, through Eisenhower healing this by adding “Under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance, through the removal of prayer from schools to satisfy the offense of one woman, Madelyn Murray O’Hair, through collectivist left wing education and mind altering drugs and “Closing of the American Mind”, the artist and critic Marshal McLuhan proclaimed “Art is whatever you can get away with.” A crucifix in urine and elephant dung smeared on the face of the Mother of God is proclaimed art. In other words, Blasphemy is Art. Predictably we hear a Vice-President explain his political style is based in the same nihilist trend: “There is no controlling legal authority.” In other words, we are agreed in principle to overthrow America.

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