Saturday, September 1, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (8-31-2012)


1)  Debbie Wasserman Schultz ….(shaking head mournfully)


  1. Debbie Wasserman Schultz criticizes Republicans for having convention during Hurricane Isaac

  2. DNC Chair Debbie (Downer) Wasserman Shultz crashes RNC convention

  3. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz On Romney’s Speech: He Had The “Audacity To Not Lay Out Any Specifics”…


2)  Al Gore he smart or a meathead?


  1. Good News: Romney-Ryan strike fear in Al Gore

3)  Chris Matthews is a racist kook. I am tired of listening to this man.


  1. Tingles Shockingly Not Happy With Romney’s RNC Speech: “Very Dark, Very Jingoistic, Very Anti-Scientific, Know-Nothing, Piggish”…

  2. Shocker! Tingles Accuses Republicans Of “Beating Tribal Drums” Of Racism During RNC…

  3. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Romney Speech: “narrow-minded…small and insular and piggish"

  4. Chris Matthews Praises Jeb Bush! What's Going On?

  5. Chris Matthews Accuses Himself Of Being Racist

  6. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Romney Speech: “narrow-minded…small and insular and piggish"

  7. Report: NBC's Matthews in Confrontation with GOP Delegates


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