Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (9-3-2012)




  1. Obama Lies While Accusing Romney Aide of Lying

  2. Obama Blames Washington Gridlock, Partisanship On Family, Daughters

  3. Larwyn's Linx: What would Obama do with another four years?

  4. Obama: ‘At 6:30, ‘We Want to Be at the Dinner Table With Our Kids’

  5. Obama: Love Him. Hate Him. You Haven't a Clue.

  6. Amid flooding and outages, La. awaits Obama visit

  7. Obama facing mounting questions over ‘you didn’t build that’ remark

  8. Obama struggles to rekindle the affair

  9. Obama hopes to follow Truman’s example

  10. With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago’s African-Americans

  11. The left is beginning to worry that Obama will lose — and with good reason

  12. Obama’s Anticlimactic Speech Looms Over Democratic Convention

  13. Obama Agrees! Its Obama's Fault!

  14. The six trillion dollar man

  15. Confirmed: Obama Recovery Worse Than Bush Recession...

  16. Obama Sells Out Israel!

  17. Obama's record nothing to celebrate

  18. Obama..the feelgood brand for uninformed fools:

  19. How Barack Obama Helped Many in the African American Community Get Homes in 1995 - how that all came out

  20. President Obama Slams the ‘Greatest Generation’

  21. Does Obama really hate America?

  22. The Obama Good Guy/Bad Guy Debate

  23. How Obama Contributed To The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  24. Obama: Bargaining Rights Are the “Fundamental Right” of Every American …(What?)

  25. What Recovery?… Median Household Income Has Declined 5% During Obama’s So-Called Recovery

  26. BREAKING – Why is Obama Using Chicago Police At South Carolina DNC Convention?

  27. Obama Requests Biden Highlight His “Character In A Way Only Biden Can” At DNC….

  28. Obama Admin Tells Iran: We Won’t Join An Israeli Attack On Your Nuke Sites…

  29. Obama: Vote For Me Or “Romney-Doesn’t-Care Will Replace Obamacare”…

  30. Obama Blames Washington’s Partisan Gridlock On His Daughters…

  31. Obama honors socialist, disses capitalist

  32. Narcissist in Chief Selfishly Shortens Soldiers' Holiday


  34. Awkward: Obama Speech at Fort Bliss Met With Silence or Tepid Applause (Video)

  35. Make Obama’s #EmptyChairDay A Recliner In 2012 (Picture)

  36. Obama Loves This Empty Chair

  37. Obama's Role in the Housing Market Crash

  38. President Barack Obama participates in Empty Chair Day!

  39. ♪ I'm Just a Chair ♪ by Obama's Empty Chair

  40. Oblunder Hates Black People

  41. Interview: “2016″ filmmaker ties Obama’s abortion support to his anti-colonialist beliefs

  42. Previously unpublished documents reveal Obama's private sector disaster

  43. Empty chair: Obama looking down on us

  44. Obama: "Indonesia is an example of religious tolerance" - Hillary Clinton Under Pressure to Tackle Indonesia over Rising Religious Violence.

  45. QotD, Is @BarackObama a FOOL? edition.

  46. Obama finally runs out of people to blame

  47. Obama Struggles To “Rekindle Affair” With Voters. Well, It’s Over

  48. Obama-Messiah Complex: Alive and Well at DNC

  49. Obama's True Agenda For the Middle East Revealed

  50. *VIDEO* We’ve Heard It All Before (Extended Cut)

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