Friday, September 7, 2012

My Article Read On September 6, 2012


  1. God denied three times...

  2. Racist sexual innuendo front and center at convention.

  3. Let's ban corporate profits...

  4. Bill Clinton...

  5. Democrats boo God...

  6. We can all use some good news...

  7. Pro-life Democrats...

  8. My husband promised me a Wow! moment...

  9. Everything You Need To Know About The Democrats…

  10. Lies, Damn Lies, and Democrats

  11. Daily Read – September 6

  12. Yup!

  13. Work-Related Of The Day

  14. Shocka! Extremist Muslim University Chaplain Turns Out To Be Extremist Muslim!

  15. Don't touch my wife! In Islam I kill you if you touch my wife!

  16. Hoped And Changed Right Back To The 1930's

  17. Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem

  18. BREAKING: Lee Stranahan Flees His Home

  19. Virgin birthers

  20. What you mean, I not build it?

  21. Mother of San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro called Alamo heroes 'a bunch of drunks and crooks and slave-holding imperialists"

  22. Demo Congresswoman thinks Dutch practiced slavery in Brooklyn, NYC

  23. Image of the Day: Live Shot of the extreme weather that scared Obama indoors...

  24. Those Were The Days, My Friends!

  25. Have They Lost That Lovin’ Feeling

  26. Calling the Church to Accountability by Shirley Carter...

  27. Conservatives V Liberals by James William Garrett

  28. Where Four More Years Leads

  29. Obama Classmate Reveals Why College Records Sealed

  30. Pundits Publicly Praise DNC's Second Night, But Privately They Know It was a Disaster

  31. NFL star urges blacks not to vote for Obama

  32. Huge Jesus statue taking shape in Ohio

  33. Savage: Dems rejection of God 'the turning point'

  34. 'God save mankind from the left'

  35. Branco Cartoon – God and Man at the DNC

  36. Obamacare in one sentence

  37. Fluke-Warren-Clinton stream of tweediness

  38. Take this Community Survey form and ….

  39. Miraculous coincidence of the week

  40. Retaliate by Love

  41. A Prophetic Word for the Confused, Fearful and Doubtful

  42. As Tedious DNC Cult Rally Drags-On,
    Op Ed Cartoonists are Having a FIELD DAY

  43. St. Louis Man Murdered Over Cheetos

  44. The DNC: God Is Dead

  45. The Art Of Whore

  46. Now the Dems are playing the Bullying Card?

  47. WHEW! Dems move Obama speech indoors just in time to avoid clear skies with temps in the mid 70′s

  48. Who wants to see some good old Liberal tolerance?

  49. Elijah – The Voice of Righteous Justice

  50. Update on the Dems showing their true colors on God.

  51. Watergate Style intimidation by the Obama Campaign?

  52. SHOCKING DNC Video – Anti-God and Anti-Semitism On Parade


  54. Conservative’s War on Women Explained

  55. God Booed by Dems at Convention! - Incredible!

  56. Obama: RNC in Black and White TV? – DNC in Rainbow, Red and Luciferian Black


  58. WOW! Bill O’Reilly BLASTS Caroline Kennedy’s Rebellious DNC Speech Against Catholic Church Doctrine (Video)

  59. TODAY Marks One Year Anniversary of Solyndra’s Collapse – On Same Day As Obama’s DNC Speech

  60. Lib Dick Durbin Will Replace Joe Biden Tonight in Prime-Time Speaking Slot

  61. It Figures… “Former Bain Employee” Who Spoke at DNC Never Worked For Bain

  62. Stargate Atlantis--"Aurora"

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