Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Article Read On September 4, 2012


  1. Marriage Gap: 57% of Married Voters Say Obama Doesn't Deserve Reelection

  2. Let's give a big round of applause to those who are planning on voting their principles......

  3. Democrats support free abortions...

  4. Behind the Gardens...

  5. The Good, The Bad, and a Whole Lot of Ugly

  6. Daily Read – September 4

  7. This is Bob – Bob is a Racist

  8. Romney Must Oppose Obama’s Bailout Of Egypt, Which In A Worse Hole Than Greece

  9. Feminism’s Rotting Corpse

  10. Muslim 'lord' in divorce battle with wife, over pregnant mistress...linked to Chicken Bone attack on Helicopter

  11. Dateline Nigeria: Baby Born With Islamic Rosary!

  12. It’s that wonderful time of year again…

  13. Empty chair syndrome

  14. Find the cat hiding in the field!

  15. Happy Labor Day

  16. RNC Ad Busts Obama For Recycling Old 2008 Speeches (Video)

  17. Image of the Day: RNC Gives Away Souvenirs At DNC

  18. Not ONCE are Islam and muslims mentioned!

  19. Off to the Gulf in the morning.

  20. ‘Looking Back at Lewis and Clark’

  21. Keith Miller: What Does It Look Like To Walk In the Fullness Of The Holy Spirit...

  22. Prophetic Musings

  23. Just a few hundred (well almost 700) reasons I cannot vote for and neither should you vote for OBAMA

  24. I don't know what they are enjoying so much, but I have feeling they spirit

  25. The Terrifying New Normal by Victor Davis Hanson

  26. Florida GOP rips Charlie Crist

  27. Breaking – Dem strategists agree Romney playing race card – developing

  28. DNC pocket platform

  29. Special Report with Bret Baier features Legal Insurrection

  30. The Folic Acid Debate

  31. John Key was "forced" to marry his Catholic wife in a garden??

  32. The Lion Prevails!

  33. Prophetic Evangelism Giving Rise to Prayer Storm

  34. Coffee Grounds, Tea Leaves, Or Me?

  35. Hockey Players Get All The Babes

  36. Caption Contest Winners

  37. Federal Judge Orders Taxpayer-Funded Sex Change For Wife Killer

  38. Leftocrisy strikes again

  39. Israeli Ambassador Rejects Wasserman Shultz’s Wild Claims About Republicans (Video)

  40. Unreal… Democrats Banish “God” From Party Platform

  41. Democrats Punish Israel – Remove Language on Jerusalem in 2012 DNC Platform

  42. National Empty Chair Day, Part II (More Pictures!)

  43. Stargate Atlantis--"Instinct"

  44. GREAT quote regarding Romney vs Obama…

  45. Romney GOP Goes On Offense During Obama Convention

  46. The Empty Chair Convention Begins

  47. Planned Parenthood At DNC: Obama “The Best President This Country Has Ever Seen”…

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