Monday, September 24, 2012

My Article Read On September 23, 2012


  1. Football...

  2. Rainbows...

  3. Did Romney succumb to libtard pressure to release his tax returns?...

  4. Obama campaign manager says forget the polls, we're winning

  5. Isaiah 32:1-8

  6. Daily Read – September 23

  7. The B&R Sunday Matinee

  8. B&R Match-Up Of The Day

  9. Muslims Sharing The Love

  10. Reddit Now Has Draw Mohammed Daily!

  11. Anti-Islamic tensions bubble in Melbourne

  12. The Most Truthful Sign At Toronto's Blasphemy Protest

  13. Amusing Rick Perry Tweet

  14. Democrats: Disgraceful, Dishonest, and Demagogic!

  15. Now, this is scary!

  16. America Needs A ‘Come To Jesus’ Moment

  17. The funniest post Wabbit has seen this year

  18. Bill Yount: A Word to the Kingdom's Older Stars

  19. Your Irrevocable Calling by Os Hillman

  20. Mitt Romney Did Not Hit It Hard Enough

  21. Professor's early call may be too early

  22. With gentleness and respect

  23. Newt offers Romney some good advice

  24. Can we get back to “you didn’t build that”

  25. Go ahead, argue with these bumper stickers (Part 2)

  26. You Can Remember!

  27. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  28. Rubbin’s Birthin’   birthdaysmiley

  29. Your Sunday Morning Beefcake

  30. Sadly, The Target Didn’t Make It

  31. Put A Tiger In Your Tank

  32. Must See TV: Gibbs Stutters Trying To Explain Why Obama Will Meet ‘The View’ But Not World Leaders (Video)

  33. Dead Ambassador’s Diary Revealed Concern of Islamist Threats

  34. Obama-Endorsed #Occupy Goons Riot Again in San Francisco -Busting Windows and Spray Painting Businesses (Video)

  35. Stargate Atlantis--"The Real World"

  36. Doctor Who--"The Power of Three"

  37. Santa Rosa Fire Week 14

  38. Romney Campaign Unleashes Battleground Blitz This Week

  39. The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.

  40. Defund Planned Parenthood NOW

  41. Blogroll Spotlight #163

  42. 10 Days Israel Prayer Guide

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