Thursday, November 1, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine (10-31-2012)


  1. Washington Post Finds Racism Behind Romney Surge

  2. The News Squashers


  4. HELP!: Team O Leaks 'Internal Polls' to Left-wing Politico

  5. Iowa's Quad City Times Endorses Mitt Romney

  6. Socialist Liberal Democrats Will Destroy America and Sadly the Left Wing Media Will Gladly Help

  7. Romney Taunted by Reporters Over FEMA (WHI Related)

  8. NY Times Called Bush’s 2.7% GDP a ‘Letdown,’ But Obama’s Lower GDP a ‘Steady Improvement’

  9. Gingrich: Major Networks Are Holding Emails From White House Canceling Plans to Assist Benghazi Heroes on 9-11 (Video)

  10. David Brooks gives urbanites disenchanted with Barack Obama “permission” to vote for Mitt Romney

  11. CBS/NYT Poll: Americans Disapprove Of Way Obama Handling Benghazi Attacks By 51%-38% Margin…

  12. NBC’s Chuck Todd On Hurricane Sandy: “It’s Called Climate Change, Folks”…

  13. Romney collects food, supplies for hurricane victims, MSNBS outraged!

  14. Benghazi: Is the Media Conspiring to Cover Up?

  15. AP to Romney: Stay Out of Blue States!

  16. Why the Media Shelters Obama


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