Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (9-18-2012)




  1. What Obama Thinks of Americans

  2. If This Were Still America, Obama Would Be Forced to Resign

  3. Will Obama Become a Lame Duck?

  4. Obama plays the Race Card in Cincy

  5. Obama VS Reality

  6. Obama campaign wastes little time jumping on Romney ‘victims’ video

  7. Obama team tries to lower expectations for debates

  8. Obama Continues To Reach Out To All Americans

  9. New low: Obama campaign claims Romney profited off slavery...

  10. The Day Obama Became Toxic: After Libya, We Cannot Trust Him—Barack Must Fall

  11. Four Reasons Why the Obama Administration Can’t and Won’t Protect the US

  12. Obama: The Muslim Court Jester

  13. Did Obama send a 'gay' ambassador to Libya?

  14. Obama clears 'birther' hurdle

  15. Barack Obama Cannot Be Serious

  16. If Obama wins

  17. Who Were Barack Obama’s Marxist Professors?

  18. America’s Socialist In Chief… Obama Admits “I Actually Believe in Redistribution” …Flashback 2008: Obama Wants to Spread Wealth Around

  19. Thud. Obama’s Convention Bounce Hits Bottom – Even Carter Had Better Lead in 1980

  20. Obama’s Pattern of Death and Deceit

  21. No Joke: Obama Asks Muslim World To Stop Killing Americans…

  22. Gallup: Obama’s Approval Rating On Foreign Policy Tanks 12 Points Among Independents After Attacks On Embassies…

  23. Obama-Clinton Foreign Policy Explained

  24. Why, Mr. President, why?

  25. Unreal: Team Obama Gave Hollywood Names of CIA and SEAL Team Members Involved in bin Laden Raid

  26. Obama's Foreign Policy Is No Laughing Matter

  27. Obama Against America

  28. Top Ten Things Obama Might Do Instead of Letterman Interview

  29. Obama Turns His Back on Israel, Gallup Poll Shows Obama’s Convention Bounce Plummets – Even Carter Had Better Lead in 1980 Against Reagan (video)

  30. Obama Bounce Evaporates:Time for new narrative on state of presidential contest?

  31. BOO BOO BOObama Halloween

  32. Obama Regulations Force Coal Mines To Shut Down…Right Before The Election

  33. The Obama economic agenda failed, not because it was stopped, but because it was passed

  34. Redistribution is Obama’s Bag

  35. TREASON - Obama Looks To Free 1993 WTC Bomb Plotter As "Apology" For Mohammed Movie, Source Claims

  36. Barack Hussein Obama: Television Junky

  37. Leno: Obama said that's a step in the right direction, and he is encouraging more Americans to give up looking for work

  38. Obama Administration Slowly Walking Back Its Stupid Libya Narrative: “Other Factors Involved Are Under Investigation.”

  39. Obama– A Friend to the Enemy

  40. Tired of blaming Bush, Obama blames the movie!

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