Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Article Read On September 1, 2012


  1. DNC Speakers: The Usual Angry, Leftist Suspects

  2. Appaloosa...

  3. It's a Blue Moon kind of weekend...

  4. A garden is not complete without sunflowers...

  5. Obamanation: Have you seen the new Jon McNaughton painting?...w/video

  6. 'Give the people what they want, and they'll show up'

  7. Good Advice

  8. Daily Read – September 1

  9. Ewww Of The Day

  10. Groups to protest at Democratic convention in NC

  11. Not Guilty: Man On Trial For Stabbing House Intruder

  12. Happy Bacon Day!

  13. This is cosmic. 2 stories requiring Cher videos: I'll have a Dirty Drunken Half-Breed with Fries...

  14. DOJ drops criminal investigation of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio; finds no prosecutable crimes

  15. Shock Poll: 22% of Florida voters who watched final night of RNC convention switched vote to Romney

  16. Rasmussen: Romney up three points on Obama

  17. Payback: Republicans to hold counter-convention outside Democrats Charlotte party

  18. Only 26% Of Officers Think Army Headed in Right Direction

  19. We tried hope and change. It’s time for hope and redemption

  20. Wabbit smells a set-up:

  21. Ferrari F12 Berlinetta…..sigh……

  22. Mad Britain #456:

  23. “..poorer, less happy and less free”

  24. Rosh Hashannah/Pushing the Reset Button by David Herzog...

  25. Talking to Demons...entertaining spirits...talking to the dead by Jeffery Stewart...



  28. TURNABOUT: Now calls for Rove to go!

  29. Reader: “At huge Jacksonville Landing Romney-Ryan event – place is insanely packed”

  30. “We Own This Country”: Clint Eastwood Reloaded

  31. A special thank you

  32. If you knew Harry, like they know Harry

  33. Have Confidence

  34. THE DEATH of the LEFT

  35. Someone Call Dudley Do-Right!

  36. This Week’s Sign Of The Apocalypse

  37. Gunman Enters NJ Store, Kills Two

  38. Does “diversity training” work?

  39. Netanyahu Goes Nuclear On Obama

  40. Have You Seen The Most Recent Interactive Painting Depicting The Obama Administration‘s ’Dangerous Atrocities’?

  41. Confirmed: Line-Up Of Speakers At Democratic Convention Is Simply Terrible

  42. Massive Crowd Greets Romney-Ryan in Jacksonville, FL

  43. Party Crasher!… US Debt Expected to Top $16 Trillion During DNC Convention

  44. Fans Give “2016 Obama’s America” Top Rating – Leftist Critics Say It’s Just So-So

  45. Black Widow Bomber Was Dancer Before She Converted to Islam & Blew Herself Up

  46. Karen Gillan and Friend

  47. Stargate Atlantis--"Runner"

  48. Christians Cry Out to God in Charlotte, NC, Ahead of DNC

  49. A Cold Blooded Convention

  50. Data Shows Clint Eastwood CRUSHING Obama…

  51. Occupy DNC Convention Planned. What is Leo Gerard Up To?

  52. Weekend Edition: Politics and Social or, Anti Social Media

  53. Poll: Number of Americans Who Consider Themselves Republicans Hits Record High…

  54. Libs Already Looking To “Impeach Romney”…

  55. Blogger in Crisis 900 Miles From Home – Robert Stacy McCain Needs Help! #TCOT

  56. THEY WERE NOT CHRISTIANS One of the Calvinist's favorite...

  57. Does a Bear Shit in the Woods?

  58. I Learned a New Trick!

  59. Full Metal Jacket Reach Around #165

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