Sunday, December 9, 2012

Obama Drama (12-8-2012)




    2. Obama Takes Unlimited Corporate Donations for Inauguration

    3. Why Obama's 'Balanced Approach' Doesn't Work

    4. It's Boehner vs. Obama in fiscal cliff talks

    5. Obama's vacation: Drinking with Bob...

    6. Does Obama's arrogance have any limits?

    7. Obama to Attend Psy Protest Despite His Anti-American Past

    8. Obama Calls Egypt’s Morsi To Complain About Riots… Not About Human Rights

    9. Obama Calls Egypt’s Morsi To Complain About Riots By His Opponents, Not His Power Grab…

    10. Obama Runs Rings Around the Republicans on Tax "Cuts" and "Loopholes"

    11. Obama and his agenda for America

    12. Obama receives a legal rebuff from judge denying DoJ motion to dismiss challenge to Obamacare

    13. Obama Creates New Atmospheric Agency

    14. Obama’s International Gun and Missile Running

    15. Why Barack Obama is so loathsome to any thinking individual [Reader Post]

    16. Surprise! Team Obama Doesn’t Want Senate Voting On Obama Fiscal Cliff “Plan”

    17. Obama May Have Provided Weapons Used to Kill Ambassador Chris Stevens

    18. Obama’s War on Some Drugs ticking along… nicely.

    19. President Obama Pays Tribute to Pearl Harbor Victims – Using Picture of Himself – Again

    20. The Great Obama Unemployment Lie: Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7% for November 2012 … Lose 350,000 from Labor Force & 73% of Civilian Jobs Created in the Past 5 Months Were Government Jobs

    21. oh! what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!! .... "lying bastard," is how i suppose Scott would describe b. Hussein Obama ....

    22. Barry's Vacation

    23. Barack Obama, George Soros, Petrobas, And The Real Reason Why Obama Is Trying To Halt American Oil Production: A Crime Inc. Update

    24. The things you discover only after Obama is re-elected [Reader Post]

    25. Barack Obama - Cream of Nothing

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