Pic Of The Day
The Horror at Sandy Hook
The World Still Exists!
Black Democrats Are the Real Racists
Fight Back, America!
Daily Read – December 22
Jesus Is The Reason For The Season
Christians Stand Up To Atheist Bullies With Flash Mob Nativity
Driving and the Kingdom
Say You are Strong
Olympic Gymnast Gabrielle Douglas Says Faith Is Her Foundation
Tiffany Ann Lewis: Grinched
The Best Christmas Quotes in the World.
Homeless – Until He Moved in With Jesus
Journaling: What Did You Learn?
“Turning Cheeks” by Garris Elkins
The best article on gun control...
5 Words that make you sound stupid...
Mark Steyn at his best...
It's Saturday...and some Chuck Woolery (video)
Chuck Woolery: 8 point plan to solve the unemployment crisis in America...
An opinion on gun control
Anonymous hits Westboro Baptist Church over Sandy Hook picket plans