Saturday, December 15, 2012

Obama Drama (12-12-2012)



  1. Morning Bell: Obama Keeps Turning His Back on Jobs

  2. Video: Benghazi Terrorists Armed By Obama

  3. Video: Conspiracy To Hide Obama’s Eligibility Problem

  4. Full Steam Ahead On Obama’s Theft Of IRA’s And 401k’s


  6. Obama Finds a Treaty His Base Doesn't Like

  7. How Obama replaced Christ among blacks

  8. Misleader-in-Chief

  9. 'Share-the-Wealth' Obama's Charitable Christmas Message

  10. Obama Seeks to Permanently Eliminate Republican Opposition in Fiscal Cliff Deal

  11. Obama's Big Tax Lie to the American People

  12. Nobel Committee Asks Obama “Nicely” To Return Peace Prize

  13. The Audacity Of An Idiot; Obama Speaks

  14. Look who's urging Obama to talk with Hamas

  15. Obama's America Will Become Detroit

  16. Obama declares federal pot laws not 'top priority'

  17. Hate crimes, the media, and the Obama administration

  18. Surprise: Obama's NLRB Is Extremely Pro-Union...

  19. Investigation Into Obama Green Energy Scam Now Underway (WSI Related)

  20. PJTV: Obama Raised By America-Haters; Obama Purposely & Successfully Destroying America

  21. 10 Reasons an empty chair is better than Obama!

  22. Boiled Rice and Chicken Obama

  23. Nativity Demolished by Obama Admin. at Navy Base

  24. President Barack Obama’s Remarks on Newtown, Connecticut Elementary School Shooting – Complete Video 12/14/12

  25. #BenghaziGate: The Obama Admin. Is Hiding Benghazi Jihad Survivors

  26. Nobody Knows: Will Obama Let a “Crisis” Go to Waste?

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