Monday, December 10, 2012

My Article Read (12-9-2012)


  1. Harry Reid Strikes Again With Obstructionism!

  2. Had To Share!

  3. Luke 21:8-18

  4. Daily Read – December 9

  5. A Word Over Your House

  6. Rob Hotchkin: Focus On the Good Report - There is ALWAYS Good News!

  7. It is Time for Supernatural Living.

  8. Christmas will always find a way to get its message out. Here are two wonderful examples.

  9. “Seeing Jesus in a Different Form” by Garris Elkins

  10. "Predictions of Hope" by Garris Elkins

  11. Amusing: Joe Biden Booed at Army-Navy Game...

  12. Feds put the food back into school lunches...

  13. Universities as indoctrination centres:

  14. killing a country….

  15. Totally, completely, and irretrievably fifi art for Sunday...

  16. Go visit The Lonely Libertarian...

  17. Sunday Shoe Porn

  18. Finally the "Hope & Change" Some Have Been Waiting For

  19. Money, money, everywhere, but not a drop for small conservative bloggers

  20. Finally

  21. What we see and hear is a small portion of Reality...

  22. Just in case you missed our Orwellian reality

  23. This Christmas do NOT let this happen to you!

  24. This guy is the kind of person we should put in Congress!

  25. 15 Worst Christmas Sweaters
    in the History of the Planet

  26. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  27. The Spirit of Christmas Past

  28. For the folks on Santa’s “nice” list

  29. It’s not just humans who can have a Messiah complex

  30. He Was Right. It IS Filth

  31. Republicans tee up round 2 of debt-ceiling fight

  32. Burglar caught in the act phones 911 HIMSELF after homeowner threatens him with gun



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