Sunday, November 4, 2012

Obama Drama (11-3-2012)



  1. 700 reasons to defeat Obama

  2. Obama’s Benghazi investigator tied to Libya bombing

  3. 'Obama is telling kids, f--- your parents'

  4. Racial divide worse under Obama

  5. Impeach Obama for treason

  6. How far Obama has fallen

  7. Video: Obama Accepts Bin Laden Donations!

  8. Video: Counterterrorism Task Force Not Called Into Action By Obama During Benghazi Attack

  9. Video: New Ad “Flatline” Hits Obama’s Economy

  10. The President’s Planned Changes To Medicare: Costly For Seniors

  11.  Video: Testimony Suggests Administration Knew For Months Fast And Furious Story Wrong

  12. Two-thirds Of Jobs Go To Immigrants During Obama’s Four Years

  13. You're Fired!

  14. Obama Demonizes Tea Party In Final Days Of Campaign

  15. The Obama Doctrine: American Lives Are Expendable

  16. Obama's Appeal: Clueless Entitlement Addicts and Racists

  17. Obama and the 'Repo Games' Voters

  18. The Second Chance President

  19. From 'hope' and 'change' to 'revenge'

  20. Our Sam Cooke president don't know much

  21. Obama’s Loss or Win: Will The Cities burn?

  22. Benghazi and the Missing Obama 9/11 Timeline

  23. Obama Boasts of “Real Progress” on Jobs: What About Blacks and Latinos, Mr. President?

  24. Desperate Obama brings out the leather bomber jacket with the presidential seal

  25. Adviser: Obama enthused in his ‘loins’

  26. Obama urges voters to take ‘revenge’ on Election Day, Romney team rips ‘terrible’ message

  27. Why isn’t Oregon a slam dunk for President Obama?

  28. Obama’s economy added 171,000 jobs last month, but unemployment also rose by 170,000. Big whoop

  29. Obama exacerbates nation’s divisions

  30. Revenge is Obama’s rail

  31. “Team Obama”: Ignoring the 900-Pound Gorilla

  32. Obama's Outrageous Lies

  33. Free Book: Obama Never Vetted; The Unlawful President; National Security Loopholes

  34. Come on Down to Crazy Barry’s

  35. Obama and the politics of contempt

  36. The president is returning to the capital Monday to, quote, “monitor the preparations for an early response”

  37. "Hail Obama"

  38. NEW OBAMA STRATEGY: DEMONIZE THE TEA PARTY:  After mentioning the tea party only once in the entire… 

  39. O Bama where art thou?

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