Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Serious Questions To Think On


Shouldn’t the NAACP be charge with interfering with a election? Didn’t NAACP purposely go to the UN to try to change the election for Obama? Didn’t they purposely go to the UN to get our Voter Id law changed? Isn’t there a law somewhere about interfering like this?

Just in case you didn’t know NAACP doing this, here are few articles to read on it.

  1. NAACP Taking Complaints About U.S. Voter Laws to United Nations ...

  2. NAACP Petitions UN Over Massive Voter Suppression

  3. NAACP petitions UN over voter laws, claims state-sponsored plots ...

  4. NAACP Taking Complaints About U.S. Voter Laws to United Nations ...

  5. NAACP Asking U.N. Human Rights Council to Condemn American …

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