Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obama Drama (11-5-2012)



  1. 'Obama gift-wrapped Libya to al-Qaida'

  2. Explosive video indictment of Obama rocks

  3. Claim: Obama to target Netanyahu in 2nd term

  4. Obama's Closing Argument: Only I Can Save You from America's Evil Past--and Future

  5. Obama Lies About Romney's Abortion Views

  6. Obama: A Man Without a Conscience

  7. Obama's Character isn't King

  8. A Divided Nation

  9. Obama’s appeal: clueless, entitlement addicts and racists

  10. Under Obama, “American Dream” Goes Missing: US No Longer Among Most Prosperous Nations!

  11. BS meter explodes: Obama says, "You know I tell the truth"

  12. Down and Out in Obama’s America

  13. Obama campaign tries to hide call for ‘revenge’

  14. Obama stops making promises to lead an ethical, open government

  15. Obama: ‘I’ll Work With Anybody’

  16. Obama-Springsteen Concert Down 62,000 People From 2008 Concert-Rally

  17. Out-of-touch Obama

  18. Obama On Giving Taxpayer Money To Planned Parenthood: “Sometimes You’ve Got To Stand On Principle”…

  19. Obama wins coveted endorsement of the greatest Liberal Party leader of the 21st century

  20. Misplaced Priorities, Growing Danger to America If Obama Wins

  21. Obama & Clinton Guilty of Perjury Says Judge

  22. How Obama Could Have Sealed the Deal but Blew It

  23. See, I Told You So: Obama Wants Revenge

  24. Obama: Our Ideas Work

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