Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Drama (11-4-2012)



  1. Obama, buoyed by Clinton, urges Virginians to vote

  2. Obama Fills In “The Blank Screen”

  3. If Obama Really Wants A Fight, He’ll Get One

  4. Video: Divider-in-Chief Obama: “Voting Is The Best Revenge”

  5. The Impostor Must Go!

  6. Obama Hit By Storm Backlash

  7. The Petition To Impeach Barack Obama



  10. Obama: 'I'll Work With Anybody'

  11. A President without Shame

  12. Our Long Obama Nightmare Is Almost Over

  13. Obama Revealed More Than His Birth Certificate Last Year

  14. The Constitution: For Obama, Just Another Bump in the Road

  15. Obama's covert plans to bail out the cities

  16. Obama : 'I am a nice guy' who loves 'working with Republicans'

  17. Obama Boasts of “Real Progress” on Jobs: What About Blacks and Latinos, Mr. President?

  18. The Obama Leadership Dark Age

  19. Obama’s Loss or Win: Will The Cities burn?

  20. Obama: "I'm sort a prop in the campaign..." (Video)

  21. Unlikely: Obama goes to Ohio and claims he "loves" working with Republicans...

  22. Out of Touch: Obama doing celebrity tour to close campaign...

  23. Obama Ad Of The Day

  24. Papers Blast Obama Over Benghazi

  25. White House: Obama Not Following Benghazi Investigation

  26. Report gives Obama failing marks on transparency

  27. You mean, just like parts of Paris and Dearborn and London and Malmo?

  28. Obama in New Hampshire: All of Us Are Focused on Storm …(That’s Why He’s Out Campaigning & FEMA’s Out of Water)

  29. Should he win, how could Obama unite what he has divided?

  30. People left Obama rally while president was still speaking

  31. Obama’s Committed to Policies of the Past; Romney to Real Reform

  32. Obama’s EPA Planning To Crush Coal Industry With Avalanche Of New Regulations After Election…

  33. Obama To Close Campaign With Celebrity Blitz…

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