Thursday, May 10, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 9, 2012


  1. YouTube restores Christian videos

  2. Tea-partier unseats Lugar in Senate primary

  3. A Black Guy at the Dallas, TX Tea Party Rally

  4. It’s the Government, Stupid

  5. Obama’s Offshore Plan- One Giant Leap Backwards

  6. RINO Down: Sen. Richard Lugar loses primary to Tea Party supported state Treasurer Richard Mourdock

  7. TSA tries to kill insulin dependent diabetic teen

  8. Rasmussen: Romney up by 5 points over Obama

  9. House Democrats want to withhold money from states with 'Stand Your Ground' laws

  10. Lugar loses Indiana primary to tea party rival

  11. North Carolina Voters Ban Same-Sex Marriage

  12. Fast and Furious: Dem Breaks Ranks to Support Holder Subpoena

  13. BOOM! Democrat Breaks Ranks – Supports Investigation Against Eric Holder (WHI RELATED)

  14. Hmmm…Are Ron Paul Supporters HELPING Mitt Romney Over Barack Obama?

  15. Video Of The Day

  16. Tweet Of The Day

  17. Email Of The Day

  18. Against Obama, even a jailbird gets some votes

  19. What Dick Lugar’s loss might mean for Orrin Hatch

  20. Carville- Wake up Democrats; you could lose

  21. we’re watching the death of national sovereignty 

  22. An unwitting endorsement of the “far right”-

  23. Study Proves That Abortion Ban Does Not Lead To Back Alley Deaths

  24. Good News! Lugar’s Loss Puts Fellow Red State RINO’s on Notice

  25. Koch Industries BLASTS Obama Administration For Thuggish, Misleading & Dishonest Attacks Against US Producers (Video)

  26. 10 White Supremacists Arrested in Florida – Were Training For Race War

  27. Ouch!… BARACK OBAMA SO UNPOPULAR 42% of West Virginia Democrats Pick Federal Prison Inmate Over Him in Primary

  28. It’s On!… Scott Brown Demands Elizabeth Warren Release Records on Native American Ancestry

  29. Looks like I picked the wrong week for slow blogging

  30. Daily Read – May 9

  31. More Communists In White House!

  32. Keith Ellison Withdraws Democrats Trayvon Martin Amendment…

  33. Cleveland Leftist In Bridge Bomb Plot Caught On Camera In Occupy Documentary Talking About Using Violence To Achieve Their Goals…

  34. Ouch: Indiana Dem Running For Senate Touts Record Of Not Voting For Pelosi As House Speaker Even As Pelosi Travels To State To Help Him Raise Funds…

  35. Indonesian Islamists Vow To Stop “Satanic” Lady Gaga Concert…

  36. John Kerry Calls Über-RINO Dick Lugar’s GOP Primary Loss a “Tragedy”…

  37. Nine Dangerous Things You Were Taught In School

  38. Chuck D. Pierce- Key Prophecy- A Day of Cutting Loose and Moving Forward!

  39. Why liberals turned a blind eye to the 'grooming' of girls

  40. Americans Are ENTITLED To A Strong Defense!

  41. Richard Mourdock money bomb

  42. Yet another futile boycott of an entire state

  43. The American People are Fed Up

  44. Conservatives Can't Wait to Vote

  45. *VIDEO* Russian Immigrant Schools Occutard On Democracy, Republicanism, Capitalism, Totalitarianism, And The Israeli / Palestinian Conflict

  46. Unopposed Scott Walker Receives Nearly As Many Primary Votes As Wisconsin Democrat Candidates Combined

  47. Rep. Gowdy To DOJ: Won’t Give Us ‘Fast And Furious’ Docs? We’re Docking Your Pay! (Video)

  48. It Begins… Democrats Play Race Card Against Fellow Dems For Voting For Federal Prisoner Over Obama

  49. Your Deliverance Finished!

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