Sunday, May 27, 2012

Democrats Keep Donation Money From The People They Attack By Gary DeMar


Democrats Keep Donation Money from the People They Attack by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics

They’re like the affable but corrupt Captain Louis Renault (Claude Rains) in the film Casablanca. Rick’s Café Américain is an oasis in a political desert during World War II. Humphrey Bogart is its proprietor. Everybody goes to Rick’s as they look for ways to escape the encroaching German war machine.


When the Nazis arrive, the political intrigue begins. The Germans view Rick’s as a threat to their plan to capture the leader of the underground resistance. They put pressure on Captain Renault to close the café. He needs an excuse. Here’s the scene (see 20-second video below):


Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?

Captain Renault: I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

[as a card dealer hands Renault a pile of money]

Card dealer: Your winnings, sir.

Captain Renault: Oh, thank you very much.

Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!



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