Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 22, 2012


  1. Hawaii Five-O- Sheriff Joe sends detectives to Honolulu

  2. Look whose home raided in Chicago terror bust

  3. Teacher suspended for Obama-badmouth threat

  4. America- A Rogue Nation

  5. Study- House Republicans speak two grades higher than Obama

  6. Surprise- One third of U. K. divorce filings last year contained the word Facebook

  7. Palin- Romney Needs to Defend Free Market and Bain Capital Record

  8. It’s-All-About-ME Of The Day

  9. Excuse me while I throw up…

  10. and witch-doctor bollocks-

  11. Horsecrap!

  12. Maori moron pollutes Australian beaches

  13. Raising the cost of tyranny

  14. Transgender rights endanger real women

  15. Catholic fight-back against the US Government begins

  16. NC Student Hunter Rogers Speaks Out About Unhinged Teacher’s Obama Threats (Video)

  17. Daily Read – May 22

  18. Dan Josesph Demonstrating Why Rush Calls the N.O.W. Gals N.A.G.S

  19. Trayvon might have been a contender

  20. Fear of Reprisal means People are afraid to speak up in Obama's America

  21. IF you live in the Midwest, this is good news

  22. Your inner zombie...a sinful nature by Rick Cruz Torres

  23. South Carolina AFL-CIO Chief Bashes Piñata With Gov. Nikki Haley’s Face On It, Says She “Doesn’t Regret It”…

  24. Dem Rep. James Clyburn: Romney “Raping Companies” – Update: Obama Campaign Throws Clyburn Under The Bus, “His Choice Of Words Have No Place In This Conversation”…

  25. Poll: Number of People Who Think Zimmerman Shot Trayvon Martin In Self-Defense Jumps 16 Points To 40%, Only 24% Say It Was Murder…

  26. Obama Campaign: We Did Not Reach Out To Cory Booker Before He “Clarified” Bain Criticism — Cory Booker: “I Certainly Did Talk With Campaign Officials” Beforehand…

  27. Dem Sen. Mark Warner Defends Bain Capital From Obama Attacks…

  28. Prominent Democrat Former Gov. Ed Rendell Rips Obama For His “Disappointing” Attacks Against Bain…

  29. D’oh! Top Obama Donor Tied To Bain Layoffs, Had More Significant Role Than Romney…

  30. Floods of the Spirit

  31. Lesbian Couple Should be Charged With Hate Crimes for Hoax to Accuse Others

  32. Cory Throws The Booker At Obama

  33. A Note About Pages

  34. Caption Contest Winners

  35. Heidi Ho There, Neighbor!

  36. Controversies in the church- The moral authority of the Bible (part 2 of 2)

  37. Harvard Law succeeds in taking down anti-Holder Fast and Furious protest website

  38. Mia B. Love – “One of the 10 most important races in the country this year”

  39. Harvard Law “journal of the legal left” attempts to silence anti-Holder protest website (Update: HLS Dean of Students circulates email denouncing website

  40. For the first time in my adult life I believe Romney might beat Obama

  41. You can paint it over, but you can’t hide


  43. Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives To Honolulu

  44. Colorado Lesbians Face Charges For Faking Hate Crime (Video)

  45. Moron Jailed After Asking Cops To Give Back The Illegal Drugs He Left At A Grocery Store

  46. Obama Labor Board Slapped Yet Again

  47. Leftist Ninth Circuit Court Takes Million-Dollar Trip On Taxpayers’ Dime

  48. Funny thing about God and prayers

  49. Sean Open Question Show me another»Why did Canada…

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