Monday, May 21, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 20, 2012


  1. NAACP backs same-sex marriage as civil right

  2. Pro-life message surging through churches

  3. Sack the Senate

  4. Barack Looks Like Trayvon

  5. Pay Up—- Or Else

  6. Feel Good Story: Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi is dead

  7. Obama may lose Arkansas primary to little known candidate. Democrats move to strip any delegates he wins.

  8. Hawaii officials stall on providing Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett confirmation Obama was born in Hawaii

  9. Letter Of The Day

  10. Struck Nerve Of The Day

  11. Boneheads Of The Day

  12. Pic Of The Day

  13. Bonehead Of The Day

  14. The B&R Saturday Matinee

  15. Lesbian Couple Charged With Staging Hate Crime

  16. We recommend Walker; his removal isn’t justified

  17. Tyranny. Now

  18. Now, that’s a diamond!

  19. Grow up. And get a life!

  20. fiddling while Rome burns-

  21. bawaaahahaha!

  22. ‘The naked face of the enemy”

  23. Hitler was automatically excommunicated by 1933

  24. Homophobes should chill out

  25. Louis Crimp Speaks Out- Liberals Scuttle For Cover

  26. Lockerbie Bomber Megrahi Dies in Libya (Video)

  27. Hah! Far Left Lapdogs NAACP Backs Gay Marriage

  28. EPA Shuts Off Major Chunk of Alaska to Mining Before Proposal Even Submitted

  29. Dallas Man Stabs Random Target Shopper With Butcher Knife (Video)

  30. FINALLY!

  31. Daniel 7-2-8

  32. Daily Read – May 20

  33. Not Much To Say

  34. Protests, Beer, and Walk About

  35. The Mafia and Baby Birds: Melissa Bassi Mafia Murder Victim

  36. Axeldouche Defends Using Proposed Jeremiah Wright Ad As Fund-Raising Pitch…

  37. Military Chaplains Slam Pelosi For Opposing Amendment That Would Protect Them From Being Forced To Perform Gay Marriages…

  38. Getting  an education doesn't automatically translate into getting a job

  39. It is a lie of the devil that we should consider...

  40. It is foolish for many ministries to attempt to reach people without any consideration for the culture

  41. The Catholics in Minnesota are folding on Gay Marriage

  42. I Do Not Want My People To Struggle Susan O'Marra 05-18-12

  43. Will you truly trust Me when all fails you in the days ahead-  Kevin Barrett

  44. We should accept that a new killing fields will emerge in Afghanistan and bow out now

  45. The cost of Charest’s cowardice: Good students are being sold out

  46. Brave Artist Takes Brave Stand by Making Brave, Courageous Christ Popsicles

  47. Mark Steyn- Eternally shifting sands of Obama's biography

  48. Tear the Mountain Down

  49. Peruvian Man Loses His Best Friend

  50. Won’t You Sponsor A Child’s Father-

  51. Social Media Is Going To The Dogs

  52. The Tax Man Stalketh

  53. Controversies in the church- The moral authority of the Bible (part 1 of 2)

  54. Constitutional Oversight Posse (COP) ~ We Need You!

  55. Sunday Funnies

  56. Chicago NATO protest photos

  57. Chicago Police Department website appears hacked (NATO protest photos added)

  58. I hope David Cicilline wins (the primary)

  59. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  60. Another Chance

  61. RFK Jr: Another Kennedy, Another Female Corpse, Another Excuse

  62. High School Teacher Goes Ballistic On Student Who Asked The Wrong Question About Obama (Audio)

  63. Elizabeth Warren Violated Harvard’s Rules On Plagiarism

  64. Far Left “Anti-Racist” Group Beats Chicago Diners With Hammers And Batons

  65. Is this thing on-

  66. The sun never sets on the English language

  67. How to handle whiners

  68. Irreconcilable differences

  69. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day…

  70. Bully for you

  71. Another one bites the dust…

  72. Never have we seen such an effort to divide the American people

  73. It’s all so tired, the kind of fake praise showered upon those one views as easy to impress

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