Saturday, May 19, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 18, 2012


  1. Eric Holder to face contempt charges-

  2. Obama's Reverend Wright- “Hillary Clinton Paid Black Preachers To Come After Me”

  3. Flush- Federal government has spent nearly $70 billion on “climate change activities”

  4. Good News- Communist Party USA Endorses Obama For The 2012 Election

  5. Obama Campaign manager Jim Messina- Exposing Obama's Reverend Wright Connection is Racism

  6. Wright- Obama Was 'Steeped In Islam'

  7. FINALLY – GOP Leadership United In Effort To Investigate Eric Holder

  8. Breitbart Rips Into “Fact Check Error” Regarding Born In Kenya Story

  9. Bonehead Of The Day

  10. Were Birthers Right All Along…-

  11. Work-Related Of The Day

  12. Bring it on!

  13. Correcting the Record

  14. Australia- FIFO

  15. Fr Barron on Religious Liberty - most fundamental of rights

  16. Our most popular post was a throw-away

  17. New Blog - The Contrarian

  18. Maybe if she came with the car

  19. Classy!… Far Left ‘Recaller’ Screams “Walker, You Suck!” at POLICE MEMORIAL During Scott Walker Speech (Video)

  20. Protesters Interrupt Pro-Abortion Sebelius at Catholic Georgetown Commencement (Video)

  21. Breaking Poll: Twice as Many US Voters in Israel Favor Romney to Obama

  22. Krauthammer on the Obama gay marriage straddle

  23. Tolerance to certain liberals

  24. Romney right to repudiate campaigning on Obama’s relationship with Rev. Wright

  25. Bringing Back Sanity

  26. Invasion Of Idiots

  27. Making America Inferior

  28. Daily Read – May 18

  29. Be afraid, be very afraid

  30. There  are a lot of private and public colleges and universities about to go under

  31. Did hell just freeze over???Noam Chomsky: Sarah P...

  32. When a Culture Needs Deliverance: Whole cultures ...

  33. A gathering storm...Arizona Sec. of State Threatened...

  34. John Belt- Seven Things God is Saying For 2012

  35. “Reflections” from 2012 ISNA Conference, Tampa

  36. You Birthers Are Keraaaaaazy

  37. Narvey on An Occasional Walker

  38. Why The Little Racist!

  39. Romney right to repudiate campaigning on Obama’s relationship with Rev. Wright

  40. Cherokee genealogist on Warren- “These are the people she stepped on”

  41. Rahm to send dead fish to Ricketts

  42. Change even I could believe in

  43. What to Tell a Liberal Bully Who Asks Why You Listen to This Program

  44. Pearls of Wisdom

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