Friday, May 18, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 17, 2012


  1. Arizona official to Hawaii- Show birth verification

  2. Black churches- Betrayed again by Dems

  3. Insults Help Democrats Defeat Rich, Religious Nut, Racist, Redneck Republicans

  4. The Rules Are Changing for Talking about Race 

  5. Unions may have brought on disaster for themselves in Wisconsin

  6. 2012 Will Be the Tea Party Election Year

  7. Boehner meets with Obama; says no to debt ceiling increase without spending cuts

  8. Reverend Wright: Barack Obama has done nothing for the black community

  9. Comedy Gold- Senate Republicans force vote on Obama's budget. It goes down 99-0

  10. Beck- Eva Longoria’s History Lesson

  11. Clowns Plan To Protest During NATO Summit

  12. First Shoe Drops- Catholic School Drops ObamaCare

  13. Tea partyers to observe voting

  14. Bush 43 – The Last Republican President-

  15. Do we redefine Christianity so that homosexuality becomes a valid expression of love-

  16. Dunne scared of Conservative extremists

  17. Taranaki Heckler Exposes Watermelon Gareth Hughes as Fraud and Charlatan

  18. National Party Turncoats- Anti-Conservative Supporters Of NZ’s Neo-Marxist Society

  19. Biden Unloads on Romney in Delirious Rant: “They Don’t Know Who We Are!” …(Actually, We Do, Joe)

  20. Democrats Propose Bill to Force Those Renouncing Citizenship to Pay Taxes Anyway

  21. Devastating! New “War on Women” Ad Compares Current Regime to Totalitarian State (Video)

  22. Horrible… Wikileaks Document Led to Hanging Death of Western Spy This Week in Tehran

  23. Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Barack Obama Has Done Nothing For Black Community (Video)

  24. Why Christians NEED To Be Engaged

  25. Daily Read – May 17

  26. Dems Non Solutions

  27. Awakening Insanity

  28. He Who Controls The Present Controls The Past

  29. I guess the murder and rape of the Straits doesn't count

  30. Peres protesters harass Tribune journalists - The video!

  31. Comment Of The Day...By Yasir Bin Habib

  32. Jason Kenney To U.N. Kleptocrat- Bite Me

  33. Michael Coren- Lessons on Jihad & Jew Hatred - The East End Madrassah

  34. Physical Pain Relieved

  35. Well, If You’re Gonna Go

  36. Apparently, There’s No Crime In Philly

  37. Donna Summer

  38. Mass Dem Senate candidate on Cherokee-gate: Harvard “put someone who appears as white as I am out there as minority”

  39. Rhode Island’s Solyndra cubed

  40. Elizabeth Warren “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook mystery solved

  41. “Ex-Patriot Act” Would Criminalize Freedom and Success

  42. The Palin Effect Felt in Nebraska

  43. Can there ever be a tolerant discussion with the Left?

  44. Still more advertisements from long, long ago

  45. Brother, can you spare a dime- (Or a sardine-)

  46. Meanwhile, over at the Free Lunch Cafe…

  47. Because there’s nothing scarier than a woman who knows how to think for herself

  48. First they came for military chaplains

  49. Leftist Icon Noam Chomsky Accuses Obama of “Murder,” Defends Convicted Al-Qaeda Terrorist Who Killed U.S. Troops As “Defending His Village”…

  50. No Joke: UN Human Rights Council Condemns Canada For Having Unacceptable “Rates of Food Insecurity”…

  51. Obama’s Literary Agency Used ‘Born In Kenya’ Bio Until 2007

  52. Media Trackers Uncovers Massive Ballot Irregularities in Montana

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