Saturday, May 12, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On May 11, 2012


  1. Graham- Obama has 'shaken his fist' at God

  2. Rapid City man wants Obama tossed off state ballot

  3. Sheriff Joe to Holder- 'Clean your own house…

  4. Hansen- Run for your lives! 'Game over' for the climate

  5. Viral Video: 6-Year-Old Boy Walks to His U.S. Marine Father for the First Time

  6. Barney Frank- Obama Not Invited to My Wedding

  7. Poll: Walker Opens Five-Point Lead over Barrett

  8. New Black Panthers Plan Newspaper Cover with Zimmerman in Noose

  9. Georgetown Professor Launches Campaign to Nix Sebelius’ Graduation Speech

  10. Obama Attorney General Looks To Crush Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio

  11. 142 Congressional Democrats Tell Eric Holder – STOP LYING TO US

  12. .jpeg Of The Day

  13. The Voter-Fraud-Myth Myth

  14. Fatah on Gitmo Trial: ‘What Is Wrong With The United States of America?’

  15. Clooney’s Obama party full of ‘Hollywood hypocrites’

  16. Sister of Alleged Romney Target Has ‘No Knowledge’ of Any Bullying Incident

  17. socialists are hypocrites and liars

  18. Military course suspended for telling the truth

  19. Same-sex marriage will devalue women in society [UPDATE]

  20. Colin Craig Flushes Out The Faux Right Blogosphere

  21. Liberal Policies in Action: More Than 1,000 Businesses Close Shop Each Week in Greece

  22. Obama’s Freeloading Illegal Auntie Pens Book “Tears of Abuse”

  23. Romney Jumps to 7 Point Lead Over Failed President Obama

  24. Your Tax Dollars at Work… Canadian Firm Will Receive up to $50 Million Stimulus for Nevada Solar Plant That Employs Two People

  25. 9 Men Sentenced for 631 Rapes of Teenage Girls Over 5 Years

  26. Iranian Regime Issues Death Threats Against Rapper Shahin Najafi on Apostasy Charges

  27. Change!… Obama Camp Adds Coal to Energy Plan Following Near Loss to Federal Inmate in West Virginia

  28. It’s Not YOUR Money!

  29. Daily Read – May 11

  30. Here!

  31. Planned Parenthood Promoting Abortions As a “Civil Right”…

  32. No Joke: House Dems Take Training Course On Playing The Race Card…

  33. Rasmussen: Romney 50%, Obama 43%

  34. Dem Rep. Luis Gutierrez: I Worked With La Raza To Draft Amnesty Language For White House…

  35. Bubba: “Barack Obama is an amateur . . . doesn’t know how to be president . . . incompetent”

  36. French President-elect Francois Hollande: I inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression

  37. Al-Qaeda’s Chief Bombmaker Planning To Insert Explosives Into Household Pets…

  38. So, You Want A Marriage

  39. Goodbye Lugar

  40. Don’t cry for Auntie Zeituni

  41. God's Report is in You!

  42. Weekend Caption Contest

  43. Behold, The End Of Racism!

  44. The Funniest Headline Of The Year

  45. Love For Sale

  46. In Soviet Russia, Skywalker Lukes You!

  47. Another Darwin Near Miss

  48. Humpday History Highlight

  49. Dumbing Down of America

  50. Don’t Pee on Electric Fences

  51. Is THIS Julia- Do YOU Know Julia-

  52. New Panthers Stadium Retractable Roof

  53. Catholics - stand up for your faith

  54. Absolutely brilliant

  55. Genealogist for Elizabeth Warren 1/32 Cherokee claim goes silent, source document shown false

  56. Democrats trained to allege Republicans use racially-coded phrases

  57. Vidal Sassoon, fighter

  58. Don’t these people have any shame-

  59. Indiana Dem Senate candidate runs from Obama on gay marriage

  60. 571 tax delinquents owing $17 million signed Walker recall petitions

  61. Friday Fume

  62. Atlas Shrugged - Facebook Edition

  63. Conspiracy Theory- Obama & DHS Plotting Civil Unrest

  64. Sure Feminists support women, as long as the women know their place that is!

  65. Cruel Little Psychopaths

  66. Happy birthday, Irving Berlin!

  67. Forward-

  68. I sure hope this woman isn’t a teacher…

  69. It's time to assess our rootedness

  70. Should We Ban the Term Bully Pulpit -

  71. BOMB THREAT At Scott Air Force Base in Illinois

  72. Beach Boys Singer: “Obama’s a Socialist A-Hole” (Video)

  73. Bill Clinton: Obama Is an “Amateur” and “Incompetent”

  74. Obama’s Former Physician Rips His Patient: “He’s academic, lacks passion and feeling, and doesn’t have the sense of humanity that I expected”

  75. Romney is so Gay!

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