Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (5-22-2012)


1)  Senator Claire McCaskill wants the rich to pay their fair share of taxes but is late at paying taxes on her D.C. Property.


  1. Missouri Sen. McCaskill late paying taxes on D.C. property

  2. Hypocrite Of The Day

  3. BREAKING: Claire McCaskill Calls For Violence If Dems Don’t Get Their Historic Tax Hikes: “It Really Is Time For Americans To Take Up Pitchforks” (Video) 


2)  Joe Biden is doing the meathead thing again. You know speaks before he thinks. He blames Tea Party for the craptastic economy. Biden also thanks us for the money we pay him.


  1. Biden Blames Tea Party For Craptastic Economy: “Imagine Where We’d Be If The Tea Party Hadn’t Taken Control Of The House?”…

  2. Biden: “I Have A Beautiful Home And You Pay Me A Lot Of Money”…

  3. Biden’s Turn To Bash Romney Over Bain: “They Make Money . . .While Communities Get Wasted”…


3)  Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, cites that Romney puts Women’s lives at risk. I guess she doesn’t think about giving women abortions is killing a unborn baby girl and has put some women’s lives on line. She has no right to say that about Romney when she indirectly has blood on her hands.


  1. Planned Parenthood Chief Cecile Richards Pens Another Op-Ed For Team Obama, Claims Romney Will Kill Women… 


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