ACLU sues Obama administration officials in NSA phone surveillance case
Snowden: 'Neither a traitor nor hero. I'm an American.'
Grandmother defends husband and home, misses intruder
Obama admin refuses to focus on jihadists; targets American citizens instead
R.I.P Jeffrey Lynn Rutledge
“If Obama Has Nothing To Hide, He Has Nothing To Fear”
Video: Troops Targeted By NSA For Anti-Obama Views
You Are Being Led To Slaughter
Putin lectures Obama on privacy
Deputy director of CIA resigns after 33 Years!
The Futility of Excessive Frugality
Being Led by God by Os Hillman
IRS Cancels Order for Spying Equipment.
Gospel Industry Veteran Donna Creer and Husband Killed in 'Suspicious' Fire
SBC's Fred Luter: While We Are Arguing About Theology, Lost People Are Going to Hell
Joe Biden Declares Al Gore President Of The United States…
What Happens When A Conservative Walks, Talks, And Governs As A Conservative? THEY WIN.
It's Wednesday...
5 Famous People You Won't Believe Didn't Exist
Psst: There are four separate scandals going on at EPA right now
I Don’t Have To Obey The Law!
just DEPORT them! NOW! And Gillard with them.
You might want to take the Bus….
“We’ll keep the red flag flying here.”
Author of The Closing of the Muslim Mind: Queering Education - It's worse than you think
Valedictorian Defies No Prayer In School Rule - Says Lord's Prayer
Latest Obama scandal has even New York Times sounding like Tea Party
Progressives, Democrats must stand with New York Times against Obama...
OBAMA OUT OF CONTROL: Tap Your Phones, Take Your Guns, Flip Your...
Secret Service "Visits" Outspoken Critic of Obama - Because of Twitter?
How closely is the NSA listening? These trolls are about to find out
Video: Beck: New Whistleblower Document Will Take Down Government
Video: Ben Swann Naming Names In IRS Scandal
Sarah Palin to Bill Maher: I hope a bully ‘flattens your lily white wimpy . . .’
14 United States Governors : Prepare State Militia Defenses, To Be Ready Against Obama’s Rogue Federal Forces!
The People are Pissed
Mali manual suggests al-Qaida has feared weapon
1 Month On: FBI Director Admits He Doesn't Know Who Is Leading Investigation into Targeting of Conservative Groups
Evangelist Will Graham Preaches Message of Hope and Peace to 21,000 in Kisumu, Kenya
God's Mysterious Ways:
When The Lion Roars His Call Is Not Tame -
Tim Tebow’s ‘Spirituality’ No Small Factor For Patriots Owner Robert Kraft.
God’s End Time Army
Your Harvest is Being Multiplied!
Iran Embassy Demonstrations Worldwide Today for Pastor Saeed Abedini, Human Rights
The Perfect Obama Firewall Visual…
Obama Promises All He Cares About Is Governing – While At Political Fundraiser
Does lying matter?...
This country is becoming surreal...
Wild Bill – English Courage