Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Article Read (3-5-2012)


  1. Has Obama Finally Overplayed His Hand?

  2. Kira Davis: Open Letter to Reince Preibus – Let Republican Face Be Black and Brown – Anything But White

  3. Little Latino Tykes Dance…Like This

  4. Obama Job Approval Drops to 46%

  5. Talk of Defunding ObamaCare Again: Oklahoma’s Jim Bridenstine Kansan Tim Huelskamp Leading Campaign

  6. Jeanine Pirro to Garry McCarthy Chicago Top Cop: Why Don’t You Track Trace Illegal Guns and Police the Southside?

  7. Obama Is Finally Showing His True Nature

  8. Media stunner! 'Obama fibbed on sequester'

  9. Accusing God Of Bigotry, Hate Speech, And Child Abuse

  10. Just Had To Share This Picture With You


  12. More Common Sense From Mr Noir!

  13. They THINK They Can Tell US What To Do?

  14. Destroying Even MORE Jobs

  15. You Might Live In A Country Founded By Geniuses……

  16. Divine Wisdom and Solutions

  17. Why Christians Fall Away

  18. Step Into Effective Ministry

  19. Killing the Obamacare Zombie: Hope Lives!

  20. How to Avoid Spiritual Shipwreck

  21. A Prophetic Cry for Ekballo Fast That Could Spark Revival

  22. Liberator, Defender, Sacrifice (1 John 2:1,2)

  23. March 5: Prayer and Fasting for China

  24. Paralyzed Man Walks After Unconventional Surgery

  25. Journaling As a Tool of Retaining Revelation

  26. Memo from Obama and Fed agencies: Make the Sequester as painful as promised.

  27. Ten Years Later: Fire and Glory over Los Angeles.

  28. Inside the Conclave

  29. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey

  30. A Much Greater Dimension

  31. You Are My Child

  32. The Frightening “Obama Bubble” Statistics…WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

  33. Important info about drones to help keep you safe...(video)

  34. You can do it...

  35. School offers counseling for students emotionally scarred by gun-shaped strawberry tart

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