Does GOP Establishment Stupidity Have Any Limits?
Here's why black voters might be the GOP's secret weapon
Obama admin stonewalling on big ammo buildup
Obama Covers Name of Jesus at Georgetown – Stands Under Poster of Arafat in Palestine
Video: Wife Exposes Cheating Husband On Billboard!
Intellectual Froglegs – The Liberal Whisperer
News From Marsha
*rolling eyes*
Tree of Righteousness
Rapper Mack Maine: My Mom Was About to Abort Me, but Got Saved
What the Pentecostal Voice Can Do
Understanding the Role of the Watchman
Kansas House Passes Bill Saying Life Begins at Fertilization
The Ultimate Victory
Obama an unqualified disaster in the Middle East. They like George Bush more than Obama.
Flustered Barack Obama on the back foot over Israeli settlements
Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey
L.O.L. – Obama Operative Claims “Obama Doesn’t Attack Rush Limbaugh or Fox News”
Joe Biden’s $600,000 ONE NIGHT Hotel Bill…WTF????
Biden: "If you need more than 3 rounds to hunt you're an embarrassment"...
Comcast Bans All Ads For Guns And Ammo…
Nullification: Smacking Down Those Who Smackdown The Constitution
Anonymous Hackers to Resume Operation Iran – Video