Monday, January 7, 2013

My Article Read (1-6-2013)


  1. Joshua 24:14-15

  2. Kathi Pelton: "I Am Closer Than Any Need You Will ...

  3. The Cloud of His Glory

  4. There is Treasure in Your Trial. Plus notes from video blog.

  5. Not if one is intellectually honest.

  6. A tale of two Sandys...

  7. I don't give a damn...

  8. People - wake up...

  9. Kitty Werthmann – 85 Yr Old Austrian Lived Under Hitler – Speaks of Socialism and Gestapo: Alan Colmes, Salon Deems Her a Wing Nut

  10. I asked, why did you vote democrat in the last election? I got an answer:

  11. Happy Epiphany

  12. Why people should have to pass an intelligence test before being allowed to vote

  13. About time those scofflaws got what they deserved

  14. Crushed unicorn dreams: ‘Why is my paycheck less’ turns to Obama vote regrets; ‘I should have voted Romney’

  15. Actor Ken Wahl prays for Benghazi families, blasts Obama for ignoring former marine jailed in Mexico

  16. Ha! Big Labor tries to hijack #WhyIsMyPaycheckLessThisWeek, gets hashtag wrong

  17. At Year's End


  19. Grassroots will win

  20. Interest in homeschooling surges

  21. Mainstream media: Try the truth for a change!!

  22. The Liberal Media Have Gone Off The Cliff

  23. Burglary suspect held at gunpoint, calls 911

  24. Antarctic Sea Ice Sets Another Record

  25. The Most Truth Ever Packed Into Three Words

  26. Thugs riot at Mall of Louisiana

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