GOP retreats from true fiscal cliff
Clouds over Obama's second term
Backfire: ATF nominee involved in Fast and Furious
GOP “Leadership”: Today Isn’t The Day We Stop Stealing From Our Children
Yucca Mountain: $12B 30 Yrs Later It’s A Giant Hole: Obama Wants a New Hole in Your State
Michelle Obamas 2nd Inaugural Shovel Ready Job – Lunch: Elbows on the Table, Dismisses Boehner
Support Assault Firearms Elimination Bill in House: HR226 – Remember Australia 64,000 Arms Taken
Asylum Watch Evolves from Conservatives on Fire
MLK niece: He had a dream. It wasn't this
Video: Rep. Paul Gosar Renews Call For Resignation Of AG Eric Holder
The Oath
Important Reads
A Chuckle
On the Godhead... See if you can get your head around this...
Matt Sorger: 13 Prophetic Insights and Decrees for...
Gifts Are in Thee
Uncle Dewey
A Gracious Netanyahu Trusts America
Bible Verses That Inspired Presidents
Why Kingdom Leadership Is In and Church Leadership Is Out -
Ground Zero Churches: The Church America Needs Right Now.
When Obama Puts His Hand on the Lincoln Bible.
Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey
Add Another One To The Stay Classy Obama File…
It's Tuesday...
Listen to the American Holocaust...
Who wrote "Proud Mary"...
Tina Turner shows Michelle Obama how to be Tina Turner...
Classless Michelle Obama on full display shoveling food and rolling her eyes at Boehner......
Trade Show Life
IF we trained our boys and girls the proper use of...
Yes We Can
I needed to read this... maybe you do too
For Steven and ME
The REAL Danger
Kill the Constitution
Gallup: More People Watched George W. Bush’s Second Inauguration Than Obama’s…
Facebook Threatens to Shut Down Conservative Site