Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Article Read (1-1-2013)


  1. 'Weapon in the hands of a David against Goliath'

  2. Give the White House your opinion of John Kerry

  3. 2nd Amendment advocates dig in for fight with Obama

  4. Lawmaker: Tweak Constitution to affirm gun rights

  5. What stories did establishment media ignore in 2012?

  6. If I Were A Member Of Congress….

  7. My Respect Level Went Up

  8. S.S., D.D.

  9. Coming Soon To A Hospital Near You

  10. Why Am I Here?

  11. A Word For 2013 from Apostle Nancy

  12. New Strength and Ability Released

  13. Divine Appointment

  14. Averting a "Spiritual Cliff"

  15. A Voice From the Past is Warning Us to Take Action

  16. Messages to Hitler: You have done your worst now we will do our best!

  17. A Night of Hope and Healing for Newtown, CT

  18. Living with Expectancy in 2013

  19. I'm Sooooooo Going to Do This!

  20. Site Attacked – But All Is Well

  21. New Year's Resolutions: The 52 & 7 Challenge...

  22. Thought for the day...

  23. Kathy Griffin "jumps the shark"...

  24. Rand Paul on the Fiscal Cliff (video)

  25. New Year’s dissolutions

  26. Someone left the irony on

  27. Cliff Notes

  28. Don’t tell me what kind of a new year to have!

  29. Truth in labeling

  30. Famous celebrity goes into therapy; said to be suffering from intractable guilt and remorse

  31. US Senate passes bill to avert fiscal cliff; $41 in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts; Conservatives say, ‘Thanks for the crap sandwich’

  32. While Americans were drunk and partying, this is what Senate Democrats and Republicans passed

  33. ‘No ma’am’: Letter from U.S. Marine to Dianne Feinstein goes viral

  34. 'Journal News' hires armed security guards

  35. Plans to Oust House Speaker Boehner Are Taking Shape

  36. NUGENT: Open letter to Joe Biden on guns

  37. A Special Message...

  38. Indiana hospital fires 8 workers who refused flu shot


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