Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (5-21-2012)



  1. Obama- Slaughter of Christians a misunderstanding

  2. Obama 'obsessed with being on Mt. Rushmore'

  3. Obama the Inchoate Kenyan

  4. Barack Obama- The Original Birther

  5. Why Obama Touted Foreign Birth

  6. Why did Barack Obama choose to market himself as Kenyan?


  8. Barack Obama on NATO Summit: This Isn’t as Big as Taste of Chicago

  9. Obama Pushes Growth and Stability More Debt At G8 Summit

  10. Obama’s Gutted Medicare 

  11. Flashback: Obama Claims He’s Part Cherokee Indian…

  12. Obama To Chicagoans Complaining About NATO Clogging Traffic: Stop Your Bitching, “Not As Big As Taste of Chicago” Food Festival…

  13. White House Photo Op: Preezy Obama throws a football for the camera after NATO function

  14. Obama's War On Bongs

  15. Obama Talks Economics At The G8 Summit

  16. Obama Abandons the “Good War”

  17. Obama Eligibility- Identifying the Real Fools

  18. Call us when you’re all done evolving

  19. New vocabulary word for the day

  20. Why So Many Americans Still Don't Know Much of Anything About Barack Obama

  21. Will Bam Dump Bite Me for Hillary-

  22. Obama to Return to Joplin For Commencement Campaign Speech

  23. Obama Defends Attacks Against Romney’s Work At Bain: “This Is What This Campaign Is Going To Be About”…

  24. White House Logs Reveal Obama Met With AFL-CIO And ACLU Lobbyists Over 50 Times Each…

  25. Obama Campaign Raffling Off Dinner With First Gay President And First Black President…

  26. Pics: He Just Can’t Help Quit Himself

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