Saturday, November 14, 2009

James Cagney-Retirement

Cropped screenshot of James Cagney from the tr...

Image via Wikipedia


     Cagney retired from show biz in 1961 and remained so for a little over twenty years. He made few public appearance. He preferred to spend winter in Los Angeles and summers either at his Martha's Vineyard farm or at Verney Farms in New York. When spending time in New York, Cagney and Billie had numerous parties at a restaurant called Silver Horn. both got to know the proprietress of the restaurant, Marge Zimmerman.

     Cagney was diagnosed with glaucoma and was taking eye drops for it but continued have problems with his eyes. Zimmerman recommended Cagney seeing another doctor. Cagney went to the different doctor and found out he was misdiagnosed. His problem was diabetes not glaucoma. Zimmerman took it upon herself to prepare Cagney's meals to help bring down his blood triglyceride level. She succeeded in bringing Cagney's blood triglyceride level down that he had lost 20 pounds and his vision improved before he made a rare appearance at Lifetime Achievement Award's ceremony.

     Many Hollywood stars attended the ceremony that it was said if a bomb went off in the room it would have been the end of the movie industry. During Cagney's acceptance speech of an award, he lightly chastised impressionist Frank Gorshin by saying "Oh, Frankie, I never said 'Mmmm, you dirty rat!' What I said was 'Judy, Judy, Judy!'." 

     In 1977, Cagney had a minor stroke. He spent two weeks in the hospital. Zimmerman became his full-time carer, traveling with Cagney and Billie.

     Cagney wasn't able to undertake many of his favorite pastimes. He became depressed. To help Cagney get over his depression, Billie and Zimmerman encouraged him to accept an offer to star in the film 'Ragtime'. Cagney accepted the offer.

     The film was shot at the Shepperton Studios in London. Cagney got a warm welcome from the British as soon as his ship dock. The officials said they had never seen anything like it even though they had experienced past visits from Marlon Brando and Robert Redford.

     During the filming, Cagney's sciatica worsened but he kept going. Cagney and co-star Pat O'Brien appeared on the Parkinson talk show. Cagney even made a surprise appearance at the Queen Mother's birthday performance. Cagney's appearance on stage prompted the Queen Mother to rise to her feet. It was the only time the Queen Mother did during the whole show. Later, she went backstage to speak with Cagney.

     In 1984, Cagney made a rare TV appearance in 'Terrible Joe Moran'. Afterward he completely retired.

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