James Cagney was born on July 17, 1899 in New York City, New York to James Sr. and Carolyn. He was the second born of seven children. Two of Cagney's siblings died with months of being born Cagney, himself, was sick at a young age that his mother thought he wouldn't make it before he was baptized. Cagney later attributed it to the poverty he grew up in.
After graduating from high school in 1918, Cagney went to Columbia College. He intended to major in art but quit after the first semester up the death of his father.
Cagney had a range of jobs in his life from bellhop to copy boy. All his earnings went to help his family.
Cagney learned to tap dace as a boy. he got the nickname 'Cellar Door Cagney' from his habit of dancing on slanted cellar doors. Cagney was a good street fighter. He once defended his older brother, Harry, against all comers. Cagney engaged in amateur boxing. He was a runner up in the New York State lightweight title. He was encouraged to become a professional boxer but his mother wouldn't let him. Cagney also had entertained a dream of becoming a professional baseball player. He once played for a local team in semi-professional baseball.
When visiting an aunt in Brooklyn, who lived opposite of Vitagraph Studios, Cagney would go and watch the filming of John Bunny films. He became involved in amateur dramatics. He started out as a scenery boy for a Chinese pantomime at the London Hill Settlement House. His brother, Harry, performed there. Cagney enjoyed working behind the scenes until on night Harry became ill. Because Cagney had helped his brother rehearse his lines, he ended up filling in for his brother. Afterwards, Cagney joined a number of companies as a performer.