Audie L. Murphy was born in Kingston, Texas to Emmett Berry and Josie Bell Murphy. Murphy was the sixth born of twelve children. (Only nine survived up to the age of eighteen.) His brothers and sisters were Corrine, Charles, Emmett (Buck), Vernon, June, Oneta, J.W., Richard, Eugene, Nadine, Billie, and Joseph Murphy.
Murphy went to school in Celeste until he reached the eighth grade. He dropped out of school to help support his family because his father had deserted them. He worked for a dollar a day, plowing and picking cotton on any farm that would hire him. He also hunted small game to help feed his family. Murphy became quite skilled with a rifle.
One of Murphy's hunting companions was Dial Henley. One day, Dial noticed Murphy never missed when he shot at squirrels, rabbits, and birds. Dial mentioned it to Murphy. Murphy's answer back to Dial was, "Well, Dial, if I don't hit what I shoot at, my family won't eat today."
On May 23, 1941, Murphy's mother died. For awhile, Audie and Corrine kept the family together but was later forced to put their three younger siblings in an orphanage. Murphy reclaimed them after World War 2.
Links to the rest of the segment of Audie L. Murphy.
Audie L. Murphy-Military Service And Battles
Audie L. Murphy-Post War Illness