Saturday, October 29, 2011

My List Of Articles I Read On October 28, 2011


  1. Update- Oakland Mayor Allows Occupiers to Reclaim City Just Two Days After Riots
  2. Morality of Money
  3. Chicago ‘Occupier’ Outside Rahm Emanuel’s Office- The Revolution Requires Collapsing America
  4. Eight Members of Congress Call for Holder Resignation
  5. Occupy Tucson Issued Health Violation
  6. Beck’s GOP Ticket Prediction… “That’s the way the machine works”
  7. Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street Movement
  8. Cain is the Real Thing
  9. Napolitano Denies Knowledge of Fast and Furious
  10. Richmond Occupiers Haven't Paid Squat
  11. A palace coup at Occupy Portland
  12. Smoke and Fire- The Herman Cain Ad
  13. Ten richest celebs supporting OWS have collective net worth over a billion dollars
  14. Maximilien Robespierre
  15. In a strong America Republic Socialists Need Not Apply
  16. UK Parliament votes NO to the people’s plea for a referendum on EU membership
  17. Hey America, What’s Going On- Why No Outcry of Indignation or Action-
  18. 'RESIGN'- Calls for Holder's resignation double overnight
  19. The DC Morning- You got to know when to Holder, know when to fold 'er
  20. Napolitano silent on alternatives while criminal aliens released in US
  21. UAW “doomed” in South-
  22. Smoking Gun- Most Gunwalker Guns Targets of Ban Efforts, but Not Wanted by Cartels
  23. BREAKING- PJ Media Finds Gunwalker’s ‘Unreachable’ Man in the White House
  24. Congressional Calls for Holder Resignation Double Overnight
  25. OPINION- Why Obama, Advisers Are Convinced He'll Be Re-Elected in 2012
  26. El Rushbo at Career Crossroads-
  27. Seminar Caller on OWS and Tea Party
  28. What's the Difference Between a Communist and a Democrat-
  29. First Lady- GOP Will Limit Free Speech, Religion
  30. The Consistency of the US Media
  31. MSNBC host gets humiliated by Occupy Oakland protester
  32. Move Over ‘99%’…Meet the Loveable ‘10%’
  33. Obama’s Chief of Staff- It‘s Been ’Brutal,‘ ’Ungodly,‘ We Need to ’Push the Envelope!’…& ‘F—k’
  34. Eric Holder to Testify Before Judiciary Committee About Operation Fast and Furious
  35. Hillary Clinton-‘No Evidence’ DOJ Sought Required License to Send Guns to Mexico in ‘Fast and Furious
  36. Look Ahead - Get Ready - Expect Movement
  37. Five Hot Pockets in this Nation! Hollywood, New York, Georgia, Chicago, Upper West Coast

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