The song on the video is 'Big Bad John' sung by James Dean. This video was put together by TheFantaC, who did the video as a tribute to John Wayne's 100th birthday.
These words aren't the original words to 'Big Bad John' by Jimmy Dean. This is a different version of lyrics sang to the same tune as 'Big Bad John'. It was a tribute to John Wayne.
John Wayne in Wake of the Red Witch (1948).
Born: Marion Robert Morrison
May 26, 1907
Winterset, Iowa
Died: June 11, 1979 (aged 72)
Los Angeles, CA
John Wayne Official Website
Wikipedia-John Wayne
John Wayne Tribute Website
Biography: John Wayne
Three of my favorite movies starring John Wayne were
'The Searchers', 'Cowboys', and 'The Green Berets'. These three movies had me shouting hooray during a victory part of the movies. I cried during the death scene of John Wayne in 'Cowboys'. I was in tears at the end of 'The Green Berets' when John Wayne told the little Vietnamese boy of the
death of the boy's mentor.