Thursday, November 8, 2012

When Do We Start Thinking About Another Political Party?


These two parties we have have given us nothing?

Democrats gave us criminal Obama and shoved Obamacare down our throats. Obama would rather see Americans killed then rescue them. The Democrats want to take our guns away. They tell lies so much they become serial liars. The Democrats wants to shove Socialism down our throats too. Not to mention these godless Democrats are doing nothing for us but themselves. The Democrats sneak around with Radical Islam.

The Republicans gives lets get along and do nothing about the corruption in our Houses, and Senate. They done nothing about the treason of Obama. The Republicans haven’t done anything about Corrupt Eric Holder. We are just getting song and dance of we’re doing something when their not.

We have to do something folks. We can’t sit and feel sorry for ourselves. We need to let both parties know we are tired of their shenanigans. We can’t count on them to do right by us. It is time to start thinking about another political party and how do we start one.

Recommendation how about an emblem of a boot kicking both parties butt.

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