Thursday, November 8, 2012

Something Else We Should Be Think About


The Treacherous Mainstream Media. We can’t set by and let them go on like they are. They are betraying the American people for a man who doesn't deserve their loyalty. They have lied to the American about Fast and Furious. They don’t apologize to the American people when they insult us. The Mainstream Media hasn’t touch Benghazi or they say it was nothing.

Shouldn’t we have some people start companies like theirs that will stick up for the American people and to be our watch dogs. Give them more competition.

Do we stop watching the treacherous media? Let them know our displeasure.

Do bloggers keep writing about media treachery?

Do we do all three?

We can let the media get by with this, folks. We can’t depend on the political parties. We have to do things ourselves if we want change.

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