Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Chains Of Deception Will Pull YOU Down And Lock You Up By Gene


The Chains of Deception will Pull YOU Down and Lock you Up by Gene over at Gene A Prophet

Those who buy into well packaged deception in every arena are the most gullible and subject to becoming enslaved by the deceiver. The devil thrives on souls who believe his lies. He is the ultimate bait and switch master; The sleight of hand expert that uses diversion to mask his every evil move.

The deception most easily missed is when he uses perception distorted by his lies to cause his people to follow his unwitting minions to perdition.
He uses distorted eschatology to deceive. Many of the most deceived are those who have bought into a picture formed by intense dispensational interpretation. Rejecting all dispensational teaching without recognizing the historic patterns of deception by the enemy is an opposite and equal deception.

Deception can be trust in a man. God spoke thru his prophet Jeremiah 17:5

This is what the LORD says: "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.

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