Saturday, May 12, 2012

God- Just Too Embarrassing To Keep Around By Alan Keyes


God- Just too embarrassing to keep around by Alan Keyes over at World Net Daily


Most individuals have experiences that pose a fundamental question about who they are. They go through life professing to believe in God or love or something; or else professing to believe in nothing much at all. Then they confront a situation in which they cannot escape a choice; where, by action or inaction they will declare to all the world, or to themselves and God alone, the truth or falsity of what, inwardly or outwardly, they have professed to be.


Particularly in such matters of character, I agree with Theodore Roosevelt that some observations are “… true of the Nation, as of the individual. …” From the outset, the United States has professed to be a nation that holds certain “truths to be self-evident,” as our Declaration of Independence says. Of course, if there is no truth, there can be no self-evident truths. Among the self-evident truths is the notion that we are “created equal.” Of course, if there was no creation, we are not created, equal or otherwise.


Thanks to the same profession of self-evident truth, we are a nation that relies on the concept of human rights. These rights do not depend on human will, judgment, power or legislation because they are a natural endowment, gifted to us in our very nature by the Creator who proclaimed the “… laws of nature and of nature’s God.” But of course, if there is no God, then …


I know from firsthand experience that, years ago, guides at historic sites maintained by our National Park Service stopped quoting such God acknowledging phrases from the Declaration of Independence. I’ve noticed, too, that when July 4 rolls around, the elitist faction’s blaring media touts it as “Independence Day.” They neglect to mention that July 4 is not the date Congress voted to approve the resolution that declared the nation’s independence (that’s July 2). It’s the date on which they approved the words of the Declaration of Independence and authorized its publication. It seems that our God-rejecting elites would rather we didn’t dwell too much on the words of the Declaration. But if there is no Declaration of Independence, what becomes of our claim to God-endowed unalienable rights; and a government dedicated to securing those rights, that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed?


It’s always worth noting that through all the centuries when God or the gods were held up by powerful elites to validate their claims of power, it didn’t occur to them to drive all talk of divine authority away from the precincts of government. But since the logic of Christ’s influence opened human minds to God’s empowering love, even for the weakest and poorest of those who truly acknowledge Him; and since he offered the way for everyone to lay claim to true self-government; the “superior people” have decided to tap the undercurrent of God-rejecting atheism. They were more than willing to suppress it as long as superstition and error made divine authority a bulwark of their domination. As it became instead a burning light of truth, revealing the arrogance and abuse inherent in that domination, well, I guess God just became too embarrassing to keep around.


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