Saturday, April 14, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (4-13-2012)


1)  New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to repeal laws that allow you to defend yourself from serious bodily harm or death. Does Bloomberg know we don't all have 24 hour armed bodyguards like he does? What Bloomberg is telling us, we don’t have right to protect ourselves from people like New Black Panthers, Occupiers, Gangs.


  1. NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg launches a national campaign to make it easier for you to get shot in the back.

  2. Bloomberg- 'Stand Your Ground' Laws a 'License To Murder'


2)  Well, folks we have Eric Holder in this department today. This man doesn’t like whites. He rather see a white beat up to a pulp then do anything about it. It is now confirmed he is racist apparatchik.


  1. Erich Von Holder’s DOJ is now a cudgel for blacks to beat whites with

  2. Holder’s race war

  3. Where is the DOJ’s Eric Holder on the New Black Panthers call for Violence-


3)  We have a real sick person here. Representative Chuck Kruger wants to see former vice president Cheney executed. Yes, he is a Democrat. Maine, it is time to vote this sick puppy out of office.


  1. Democrat Wants To Watch Cheney Execution 


4)  Al Sharpton is at it again with race baiting, saying Trayvon Martin equates to Jesus Crucifixion. And he calls himself a reverend. Don’t figure.


  1. Al Sharpton Equates Trayvon Martin Case With Jesus’ Crucifixion

  2. No Joke- HHS Secretary Sebelius Asks Al Sharpton To Help Defend Obamacare…

  3. Sharpton Takes Credit for Zimmerman's Murder Charge

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