Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Pay To Read Lies- Newspapers In Decline


I agree with what Alan Caruba says about the newspapers.  I won’t go on a soapbox and preach because my opinion of Mainstream Journalism is not good.


Why Pay to Read Lies- Newspapers in Decline by Alan Caruba over at Warning Signs

News Media


The job I loved most in my long career as a writer was as a journalist, first on weekly newspapers and then on a daily. I loved breaking news, the deadlines, and the thrill of seeing my words in print. Old enough to remember Linotype, I even would set pages with the newly minted metal strips of text.


The day The New York Times Jersey edition published a piece I wrote, I thought I had reached some magical place amongst my fellow journalists. What I had unknowingly reached was being published in a newspaper with a long history of printing lies and doing everything in its power to influence events through its news columns. That’s a no-no.


In a long career as a public relations counselor I have counted many reporters and editors among my friends and still do. I have been a member of the Society of Professional Journalists since the 1970s.


Sadly, journalism never did and probably still doesn’t pay salaries commensurate with the economy. So, in the words of Mae West, “I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.” 


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