Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bill Maher Should Be Wearing A Swastika


I agree with Gary DeMar Bill Maher should wear a Swastika. Everything Maher says is Nazi like. He is a ugly person and I don’t mean in looks.


Bill Maher Should be Wearing a Swastika by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics 


I don’t watch HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, but I do read some of the awful things he says on his show. Maher can be partially excused because he’s doing the show to make money. What’s more frightening is the audience response to some of his Nazi-like antics. A History channel special on the “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” and the book An Eye for an Eye by John Stake struck me that Nazi tactics are alive and well in America among Liberal “Entertainers” and “Progressive” pundits.


What happened in a civilized nation like Germany that led to the wholesale slaughter of millions of people and zombie-like allegiance to a madman like Adolf Hitler? Much of it came down to rhetoric. Demeaning language was key to dehumanization, something Maher specializes in.


Stake writes the following in the Preface to his book An Eye for an Eye:


“I wouldn’t report that a Jew had beaten a German, tortured a German, or killed a German until the reader could understand why the Jew had done it and even could think, If I’d been that Jew, I’d have done it myself. . . .”[1]


Read more: Bill Maher Should be Wearing a Swastika http://godfatherpolitics.com/3780/bill-maher-should-be-wearing-a-swastika/#ixzz1mxWqvixw

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