Saturday, February 4, 2012

Trump’s Paper Tiger Rebellion Against Conservatives


Trump’s Paper Tiger Rebellion Against Conservatives by Daren Jonescu over at Canada Free Press

In the spring of 2011, Donald Trump threatened to start a revolution within the Republican Party, appealing to the naive among Tea Partiers by promising to take on President Obama as no one else could. All too many members of the conservative media, including even some highly reputable ones, took his nonsense seriously.


Even after abandoning his prospective campaign, he sought to keep his name in the news by reserving the right to run as a third party candidate if he was not satisfied with the outcome of the GOP nominating process. Now, at last, he apparently feels that his threats, promises, and reservations have dragged the Republican Establishment around to a position he can live with—which happens to be exactly the position the Republican Establishment has been taking from the outset.


And that’s not all. Not only has Trump endorsed Mitt Romney, but he has also revived his third party blather, warning that Romney’s nomination is the only result which will guarantee his loyalty to the Republican Party. Think about this. He is saying that if anti-Establishment constitutionalists persist in fighting against the Old Boys’ choice, he will consider taking decisive action to ensure a second term for Obama. In other words, he is telling Republican primary voters that if the Establishment’s demands are not met, he might just blow the place up.


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