Saturday, February 4, 2012

ObamaCare Abortions: Will Catholics Vote For Him A Second Time?


ObamaCare Abortions: Will Catholics Vote for Him A Second Time? by William Kevin Stoos over at Canada Free Press


During the last presidential election, Catholics voted by a margin of 55-45% for the most pro-death President in history. Of course, he started out by covering up the crucifix at Georgetown before delivering a speech, so as not to offend Muslims or Atheists, proceeded to declare that “America is not a Christian nation,”, then bowed before a Saudi king. Therefore, should we be surprised when this secular humanist, pro-abortion President now attacks religious freedom by backing regulations which force Catholic hospitals—against their will and the tenets of their religion—to fund and or even perform abortions or risk sanctions and closure?


Before it is too late and we re-elect the most pro-abortion politician ever to hit Washington, perhaps we should revisit Obama “family values.”


Let’s start with babies. Of course we know that Obama would not want his daughter to be “punished with a baby” [sic] if she became pregnant. But it gets worse. In February of 2004, Michelle Obama authored a fund raising letter soliciting funds for Obama’s senatorial campaign.


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