Monday, February 6, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 5, 2012


  1. Obama or the Israelis- Whom Do You Believe-

  2. Stop Picking on President Bully

  3. Green Fail- Green urinals cause rivers of urine to run through a Boca Raton, Florida High School

  4. Video of the Day- Lunch Scholars

  5. Rasmussen finds Santorum competitive with Obama- Rick Santorum- 45%. President Obama- 44%

  6. Video Of The Day

  7. looking interesting…

  8. militant atheists are assholes and zealots


  10. Francis W. Porretto skewers the Kenyan boy wonder-

  11. Secular crazies

  12. Sanitation Workers Forced to Wear Gas Masks to Remove Filth From #Occupy DC Squatters

  13. Newt Gingrich- “Average American Would Be Repulsed By Arrogance & Anti-Religion Bigotry of The Obama Administration

  14. Ann Coulter Does It Again… Bashes Newt & Tea Party; Then Calls For Party to Unite (Video)

  15. “A Good American”- PBS’s Moyers Defends Saul Alinsky

  16. Occupy Oakland- Judge Issues Stay Away Orders to Violent Oakland Protesters

  17. Religious unity against HHS decision

  18. Press Deeper into the Spirit  [Sunday, February 5, 2012]

  19. Prayer benefits the entire person

  20. Read Thoughts on the first episode of ‘The Crusades’ by Thomas Asbridge

  21. It’s Time To Put Michelle Obama In Her Place

  22. The GOP Shows It’s True Colors

  23. Deuteronomy 6-1-9

  24. Daily Read – February 5

  25. Rule 5 Saturday Night- Kelly Brook

  26. A Joke. A Gag. An Ignorant Hag.

  27. Ann Coulter Finally Loses It – Video

  28. Romney tries to cut off Newt’s SuperPAC funding

  29. If The Economy Is Getting Better, Than Why

  30. We’ve got some of those

  31. Romney tries to cut off Newt’s SuperPAC funding

  32. Saturday Night Card Game (If calling Juan Juan is a racial code word, what is calling Wolf Wolf-)

  33. As The World Squirms

  34. The Perversion of the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ by the Sinner Barack H. Obama

  35. Excommunicate the Bishops

  36. Mitt Romney- Registered Democrat

  37. Obama Eligibility and a Decision of Tyranny

  38. Obama IS Carter

  39. Magnificent Milestone, 5 YEAR Blogoversary! –Updated

  40. Stuff Jalapenos-Updated

  41. Republicans to Continue Push for Keystone Pipeline & American Jobs

  42. Shafted…..AGAIN!

  43. Nevada Caucuses Results – The fantastic not actually so great night for Romney

  44. Obama sticks his nose in the Super Bowl festivities

  45. Let people wear the cross with pride: Bishops join motion to defend Christianity against human rights zealots

  46. Newt Gingrich- How Romney won should sober every Republican in the country

  47. Loser 2.0- One Question for GOP Establishment Types

  48. Hike It!

  49. Montana Man’s Bucket List Is Rather Odd

  50. Cheesecake Promotes Beefcake

  51. The Propaganda Hits a New High

  52. Reid- Senate will not pass a budget this year

  53. Why Blacks Have More in Common with Conservatives Than They May Think


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