Monday, February 6, 2012

Arguing With Lefties


Impositions of Morality- Arguing With Lefties by Mark over at Mark America


Over the course of your political life, if you’re a conservative, you have probably run into an issue or ten where the focus is a matter of morality in some way. Abortion is one of the issues, and if you happen to favor a prohibition, you will be attacked as some sort of Neanderthal who wants to impose his or her morality on others. I’m sure you’ve all heard this, and in some contexts, I suppose a few of you may have said this, and it is the standard answer leftists use when you touch on an issue where they are fearful of being undone. One of the problems for conservatives is that too often, we cede this ground without a fight, not challenging their claim, and not contradicting its basic premise either. This is the kind of bumper-sticker argument that frequently appeals to the young, and if we’re going to beat the liberals, this is one instance where me must learn to fight fire with fire.


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